Patenaude Martial Arts is a family owned and operated Martial Arts school with locations in Eastern Ontario and Quebec. Founded by Sijo Jacques Patenaude in 1975, it has grown to become the largest and most successful chain of Kung-Fu schools in Canada.
Orleans Martial Arts is an integral part of the Patenaude family, serving the men, women and children of Orleans. Our commitment to all students is to always provide personal, effective and fun training. To learn more about PMA, find other locations, or to contact us, click here to visit PatenaudeMartialArts.ca
Most effective tactics to prevent a sexual assault
Sexual assault
Do you think sexual assault/ rape is still a common violent act in this day and age?
Some frustrating statistics shown below will show that this cowardly act is still very much happening in our society!! The part that people think is that it is happening in dark allies, masked men, the reality of it all is that it’s the people you know, a friend, an acquaintance, intoxication and a party etc… that are moments when you are less vigilant that these acts happen.
Sexual Assault Statistics in Canada
A Numerical Representation of the Truth
Of every 100 incidents of sexual assault, only 6 are reported to the police
1 – 2% of “date rape” sexual assaults are reported to the police
1 in 4 North American women will be sexually assaulted during their lifetime
11% of women have physical injury resulting for sexual assault
60% of sexual abuse/assault victims are under the age of 17
over 80% of sex crime victims are women
80% of sexual assault incidents occur in the home
15% of sexual assault victims are boys under 16
half of all sexual offenders are married or in long term relationships
57% of aboriginal women have been sexually abused
1/5th of all sexual assaults involve a weapon of some sort
80% of assailants are friends and family of the victim
When I read these numbers I had a feeling of anger in my stomach and a strong desire to give all women an empowering session of self-protection. I mean how can there still be incidents that are still happening at the rate shown above!! How can we protect the women in our life, well more importantly is how can we teach and educate the women in our life to protect themselves at all times. Now I don’t just mean learning how to punch, kick and grapple. I mean how to empower women and give them street tactics to prevent those awful acts in the first place.
We are getting set to lead a big group of women this weekend on April 22nd 2017 and you should be strongly considering enrolling yourself or someone you know in this powerful seminar that can change the outcome of a sexual assault/ rape. What value does that have to you?
Most effective tactics to prevent a sexual assault
What to expect at our seminar is a strong feeling of empowerment in a no bullshit approach to protecting yourself. Sign up at http://orleans.patenaudemartialarts.com
Sifu Christine Patenaude will be leading this seminar.
Below is few testimonials of women who have had certain situations and their training and demonstration of self-empowerment came to fruition:
“A man at the bus stop was invading my space and . . . using ploys to see if I would do what he asked. He acted like he was joking with me and grabbed my arm near my wrist. I used the wrist release I learned and said loudly for him to leave me alone. . . . I think if I had been less resistant he would have taken it further.”
“I was at a football game and this drunk guy was stomping all over the place and he put his arm around me. Normally I wouldn’t say anything. I was just like, ‘Oh, whatever, you know, he’s just drunk. Let it go.’ But I actually spoke up and said, ‘Get your hand off of me.’ That’s something I would have never done before. He was, ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to . . . ’ So it worked. That’s a really small thing, but to me it was just so empowering.”
Can you relate to those women? Can you see that self-protection doesn’t mean violence? Self-protection starts with protecting yourself in various forms.
“..the will to live and fighting spirit is the most important thing for a person to have when in danger. Skills are important, but will is the fuel for protecting yourself, with or without formal training.”- Ellen Snortland, author of Beauty Bites Beast, Awakening the Warrior Within Women and Girls.
How parents can inspire Teens
How parents can inspire Teens
The teenager years!! (Grey hair, migraines, boyfriends, girlfriends, lack of motivation,frustration ahead possibly !!)
Do you remember yours?
Did it feel so complicated and frustrating like it is today when your the parent?
Here are 10 ways you can lead your teens into a successful life:
#1 Showing interest in a teens life on a daily basis. I always ask how their day was or if they attended an event ask about it but knowing when to stop. Showing interest, not interrogating. This shows them that they matter and also opens the doors to communication. (Start this young and keep the habit)
#2 They like when I’m silly or just plain weird really just having fun. Embrace your inner child and have a blast! Don’t be afraid of letting the child within you come out and play. It is important to know when to act like this and when not to!
#3 Be willing to listen to their music. It’s fun to belt it out with them too! Watch movies or shows with them even if it’s not something you would choose to watch yourself. (I know this can be hard when they are teens sometimes)
#4 Speak words of encouragement into them often. Build them up and refrain from labeling them. They are not their behavior but may become it if we expect nothing else from them. Even better is leading by example with your actions. That goes a long way for any positive or negative behaviour.
#5 Be your teens biggest cheerleader!(Within reason obviously, DON’T embarrass them or it will have negative counter effects) Show up to their performances and games even if it’s in an area where you really have no interest. It’s important to them so it should be important to you. It’s all about them feeling like you care and are there for them always.
#6 Teens care so much about what their friends think. When you intentionally encourage their friends and they respond with “dude your parents are cool”, you just earned even more street cred (respect) in the eyes of your teen.
#7 Capture great moments on social media **(Caution : make sure they approve all pics or videos before posting to avoid major meltdowns)**. Nobody uses photo albums any more so be intentional about capturing moments with your teen and posting them on your account and theirs. It’s planting seeds of love in their long term memory when you do it.
#8 Host events at your house for your teens. This could be a study group, movie night, or any reason your teen could use to invite friends over. Be the best host you can be when it happens. (Keep a high level of interest in their friend influences.
#9 Be intentional on long road trips, family vacations and have music, CD’s, and movies to listen/watch and discuss them. Compare and contrast together what you liked and didn’t like. Make sure to use the long drives to sometimes turn off all music and electronics and talk. Make all communication easy and encouraged to be able to share when things possibly get rough.
#10 Read . There are lots of great ideas in books. Be the best you can be and everything will fall into place. Demand excellence of yourself first and this influence will rub on them too.
**Bonus tip:
Do an activity such as martial arts together to share the experience, get the same benefits and have a strong platform of conversation.
“Families that kick together, stick together”
Supercharge your life with recognition
Supercharge your life with recognition
In this day and age you are seeing less and less people recognize their work colleagues, friends, family and even your spouse.
#Recognition is such a powerful practice and should be done more often in every aspect of your life.
There is two parts of recognition, first is the giving and second is receiving. They both serve a very positive role in any relationship. Can you remember the last time when you gave or received recognition? If you have to think about it, it’s been too long!!!
What brings this subject to you today? It was our Annual excellence gala in Casselman, this is our chance to showcase our students and leadership team for all the great things they do for Patenaude #Martial arts. It is such an honor and privilege to be the M/C of this event and I get so much from it. It gives me much pleasure to recognize all the wonderful people that surround me.
It is a habit that I do on a daily basis, a great habit for anyone to start, not always easy because of the way our society works sometimes but an easy habit to start and keep if you want.
Here is a little challenge for you. Start small and compliment someone today. Then add more and more times. Be genuine
Do something for a co-worker today, show them some appreciation. If your an employee or employer you can find so many ways to make someone feel good today. You just need to make an effort. Start with your spouse, kids or family members.
I guarantee that you will get so much out of this practice, just try it and let me know of the magic that comes from it. drop me a line at orleanskungfu@gmail.com with your success stories.
Stay the course and be a champion,
Sifu Stephane Patenaude